The Basics
When applied correctly, Kaizen reduces waste while humanizing the workplace. Kaizen is for everyone in an organization—from the CEO to the front lines.
What is Kaizen?
Common Questions
From our experience, once someone has experience writing kaizens, the form takes 15 minutes or less to fill out. The part that does tend to take a lot longer is the implementing and testing our countermeasures. That varies from 1 hour to several weeks, depending on the kaizen.
While money is the side benefit of Kaizen [the main benefit removing burden], there is no denying the financial impact on our business. Each Kaizen saves approximately $1,000 and we complete hundreds per year. Without the Kaizen process and Kaizen problem-solving thinking, we doubt that we would be around today because of the money that we have saved.
To go deeper on kaizen, we recommend subscribing to kaaspass, our virtual subscription for live training content. For the Kaaspass Community, we put on two Waste Tours a month which includes Kaizen teaching and presentations.