6/2/22 The Infinite Game | Simon Sinek Best-selling author Simon Sinek offers a new approach to winning at the "game" of leadership. Previous Start with why | Simon Sinek Next Leadership at Canlis Restaurant | Mark Canlis You Might Also Like Leadership at Canlis Restaurant | Mark Canlis Developing Leaders For Continuous Improvement | Mark Rosenthal Systems Thinking | Russell Ackoff Meals Per Hour The human skills we need in an unpredictable world | Margaret Heffernan
6/2/22 The Infinite Game | Simon Sinek Best-selling author Simon Sinek offers a new approach to winning at the "game" of leadership. Previous Start with why | Simon Sinek Next Leadership at Canlis Restaurant | Mark Canlis You Might Also Like Leadership at Canlis Restaurant | Mark Canlis Developing Leaders For Continuous Improvement | Mark Rosenthal Systems Thinking | Russell Ackoff Meals Per Hour The human skills we need in an unpredictable world | Margaret Heffernan