Video Content External Videos Here are some videos that we have collected from a variety of different topics such as leadership, improvement, and innovation. Skip to Videos Habits | Flow | Kata | Leadership | Purpose | Systems Thinking | Habits, Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day | James Clear Systems Thinking, Systems Thinking | Russell Ackoff Kata, The Challenge of Developing Lean Management | Mike Rother Leadership, Developing Leaders For Continuous Improvement | Mark Rosenthal Leadership, Turn this ship around | David Marquet Leadership, How to Make a Cultural Transformation | Simon Sinek Flow, Meals Per Hour Leadership, Purpose, Start with why | Simon Sinek The Infinite Game | Simon Sinek Leadership, Leadership at Canlis Restaurant | Mark Canlis Leadership, Kata, The human skills we need in an unpredictable world | Margaret Heffernan Kata, Adam Grant: What frogs in hot water can teach us about thinking again | TED